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Seeking stimulation by creating drama

 “Crazy is like glitter. It sticks to everything, gets everywhere, and you never get rid of it.”  – Anonymous (or perhaps I said it first) Over the past several posts we have been dealing with the primary emotional needs of Identity, Stimulation, and Security. Playwright-turned-anthropologist Robert Ardrey deserves the credit for identifying these three — […]

Re-post: Three Vectors of Emotional Health

Identity, Stimulation, and Security -- Got 'em?

“All the world’s a stage.” – William Shakespeare Some time ago, I read an article expounding on the theory of 20th century playwright and anthropologist, Robert Ardrey.  In his book, The Territorial Imperative, Ardrey states that once a creature’s survival needs are met (Think Maslow’s hierarchy: food, clothing and shelter), there is a hierarchy of […]

Presidential — and Fatherly — Marriage Advice

How Ronald Reagan taught his son to be a husband

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin Perhaps it’s our upcoming presidential inauguration that had me thinking about this, but I read what I’m about to share with you some time ago, and I thought at the time it would be worth reproducing here. I’ve published my own advice […]

On Traditions – Updated

Honoring the past and living with joy in the present

“Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could” — Richard Rogers (“Something Good”) As Christmas approaches, I’ve been thinking about the importance of traditions.  Having a set of practices tied to the Christmas season has generated lots of benefits for me and my household.  I credit our traditions with the following: Making memories and sharing experiences that strengthen […]

Re-post: The Root of the Poison Tree

How Marxist feminism and the left have painted a target on men

“The increasing complexity and precariousness of our economic life have forced Government to take over many spheres of activity once left to choice or chance. Our intellectuals have surrendered first to the slave-philosophy of Hegel, then to Marx, finally to the linguistic analysts.” – C. S. Lewis from “Willing Slaves of the Welfare State” Last […]

Kids really do say the darndest things

"Dad, you're just being modest..."

“You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.”   — Franklin P. Jones We can talk about politics another day — and we might want to soon — but for now, here’s a fun story about an afternoon I spent with one of my sons back when he was […]

Re-post: A Boat is a Hole in the Water

A tale of unsinkable integrity

“Dear friend, if you’ve gone into hock with your neighbor or locked yourself into a deal with a stranger, If you’ve impulsively promised the shirt off your back and now find yourself shivering out in the cold, Friend, don’t waste a minute, get yourself out of that mess. You’re in that man’s clutches!” -Proverbs 6: 1- 5 […]

Re-post: Seven-and-a-Half Tips for Masculine Initiation — and Why They Matter

Who else will come through for your son if you will not?

“Of all sad words of tongue or pen the saddest are these IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN” -Anonymous I have written about the importance of masculine initiation here and here, and I’ve featured a post written by my older son providing his perspective.  In this post, I want to provide some practical considerations against the day […]

Re-post: Masculine Initiation – A Field Report

Listen to the guy who's been there

A note from the host: The following is a first-person account of masculine initiation, written by my son, Samuel.  I’m proud and honored to welcome him as the author of this site’s first guest post.  Here’s Sam: The summer before my tenth birthday, my Dad took me on a four-day backpacking trip. This was the start of […]

Re-post: Why I Gave My Nine-Year-Old Son a Combat Knife

Look sharp!

It was the first night of my son’s initiation into manhood.  We had hiked to the top of Pinnacle Mountain and beyond the boundaries of Table Rock State Park and made camp for the night.  After dinner, we sat by our campfire, and I began to explain to my son the purpose and the content […]