Re-post: On Stock Cars and Station Wagons

Why confusing love and marriage leads to dysfunction

Commenter Dale provided a reminder recently of an important concept that deserves more attention: “Dalrock, on his blog, has somewhat regularly been hitting the idea that we have love and marriage totally backwards. We think that a relationship of romantic love is the correct place in which to have sex and create marriage. A consequence […]

The Deeper Meaning in the Seemingly Random – Part II

Why is the story of Judah and Tamar in the Bible?

“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.” – Psalm 103:13-14 (ESV) In part I, I told how I recommended to a friend that he read the Old Testament story of Joseph, and how […]

Update: The Wisdom of King Solomon

Learn from the wisest king in history

Men:  We have to talk about sex. If there’s one area where this generation is stuck, this is it. The Water Was Dirty Before You Got In Now, before you conclude that I’m pointing my finger at you, please realize that the Boomer cohort gave us the sexual revolution and rampant divorce, and the Gen X cohort […]

Re-post: All Our Eggs in One Basket

Is the church in decline?

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” -Mark Twain Perhaps you’ve heard or read a news item on the findings of a new report on religion in America published by the Pew Research Center. The link to America’s Changing Religious Landscape appears here. The main point reported is that the number of Americans […]

Stimulation Is Good But Beware the Fakes

Get to know genuine accomplishment and real satisfaction

“Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways.” – Psalm 119:37 We have spent the last several weeks considering the importance of the psychological and emotional needs Identity, Stimulation, and Security. In this post, I’d like to discuss the consequences of the misplaced or unmoderated need for stimulation. […]

Re-post: The Root of the Poison Tree

How Marxist feminism and the left have painted a target on men

“The increasing complexity and precariousness of our economic life have forced Government to take over many spheres of activity once left to choice or chance. Our intellectuals have surrendered first to the slave-philosophy of Hegel, then to Marx, finally to the linguistic analysts.” – C. S. Lewis from “Willing Slaves of the Welfare State” Last […]

News Flash: Porn is Bad for You

Says the woman who used her own body to profit from it

This is the way of an adulteress: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.” – Proverbs 30:20 (ESV) I was simultaneously heartened and disheartened late last week as I read an op-ed in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal. In a piece titled Take the Pledge: No More Indulging Porn, Rabbi […]

Re-post: Why Chastity Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

That word...

“Chastity is the most unpopular of the Christian virtues.” – C.S. Lewis The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies of all time.  (If you haven’t seen it, go watch it now.  I’ll wait.) In a famous scene, one of the villain Vezzini’s henchmen, a Spanish swordsman named Inigo Montoya, corrects his boss.  Vezzini […]

Re-post: Sex — Why Not Try Something Different?

What if not everyone is doing it?

Sex. It’s everywhere. And if you believe the media it seems that everybody’s doing it with everyone else and that everybody’s doing it but you. It’s worth questioning whether this is so. And even more important, it’s worth asking if this is what we were designed for. First of all, the idea that “everybody else is doing […]

Re-post: Four Reasons Why Sex Is Such a Big Deal

Not just any two will do

“I could never take a chance Of losing love to find romance In the mysterious distance Between a man and a woman.”    -U2 As the saying goes, men think about sex roughly every seven seconds.  Sometimes it can seem like more frequently than that!  Whether that is the reason or not, our entertainment, our […]