Re-post: Mentors for the Win

The how and why of learning from the ones who've gone before you

“The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their grey hair.” – Proverbs 20:29 In his book, “To Own a Dragon: Reflections on Growing Up Without a Father,” Don Miller compares the transfer of wisdom from older to younger men to the method pilots used to advise one another […]

More Thoughts on Security

Cultivate an unshakeable frame

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…” -Kipling In my previous post, I explained that security is a dynamic property. By that I meant that although one can receive security from his parents and his upbringing,  one must not simply seek security for its […]

Re-Post: The Best Advice Was a Stern Rebuke

Do the work -- it will pay off eventually

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;     profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” – Proverbs 27:6 (ESV) The story I’m about to tell you is true. While I am not particularly proud of certain aspects of this story, I think it has a happy enough ending, as well as a useful moral, so I’m […]

Re-post: Hanging Tough

How to weather a setback

“Everybody hurts.” -R.E.M. Whether it is an injury or illness, getting passed over at work, a failed relationship or the loss of a loved one, each one of us will experience pain and hardship. The question for each of us then is: What will I do when it’s my turn? Here’s what I have found […]

Other important stuff I wish I’d said about wisdom

Is it possible to say too much? Let's find out

“No great wisdom can be reached without sacrifice.” – C.S. Lewis from The Magician’s Nephew In a recent post, we discussed the need to distinguish between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. As it happens from time to time, I hit “Publish” only to find some additional notes on the subject — you could call this […]

The Best Advice Ever Was a Stern Rebuke

Do the work - it will pay off eventually

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;     profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” – Proverbs 27:6 (ESV) The story I’m about to tell you is true. While I am not particularly proud of certain aspects of this story, I think it has a happy enough ending, as well as a useful moral, so I’m […]

If You Tell A Man to “Man Up…”

You probably also like kissing frogs unironically

“Tell me, and I may forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I may understand.” -Chinese Proverb Fortunately for all of us, it appears we are seeing a dramatic decrease in the use of the term “Man up.” If only the spirit behind it would follow it down. As is true with […]

Sure, You’re Grown. Show Honor to Your Old Man

Don't Be A Father-Mocker

“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.” -Proverbs 17:6 A question arises from time to time in the minds of young men: given the Biblical commandment to “Honor your father and mother,” does that requirement expire when one is out on his own? The answer may surprise […]

Does Time Travel Exist?

Why do you keep asking me that question?

“If I could turn back the hands of time…” –Tyrone Davis When I was a graduate student, we had several beloved instructors. These were men who had distinguished themselves in industry as well as in the applied sciences, and who devoted the last part of their careers to cultivating excellence in the generation behind them. […]

Hanging Tough

How to weather a setback

“Everybody hurts.” -R.E.M. Whether it is an injury or illness, getting passed over at work, a failed relationship or the loss of a loved one, each one of us will experience pain and hardship. The question for each of us then is: What will I do when it’s my turn? Here’s what I have found […]