When You Marry a Mountain Girl, You Marry The Mountain

Part 2 of 2

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” -Proverbs 18:22 (ESV) In part 1, we talked about the wisdom of getting to know your beloved before you say “I do.” That mountain in the title isn’t just the woman’s family. To help you in this process, here are […]

The Fascinating Power of Firearms, Flags and Forgiveness

Two are always good for an argument, but one trumps them all

” But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.“ -1 Corinthians 8:9 I don’t normally comment on news and current events, as I prefer to write about topics that have some staying power. Even though the mass shooting in Charleston, SC, last week dominates the […]

Sure, You’re Grown. Show Honor to Your Old Man

Don't Be A Father-Mocker

“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.” -Proverbs 17:6 A question arises from time to time in the minds of young men: given the Biblical commandment to “Honor your father and mother,” does that requirement expire when one is out on his own? The answer may surprise […]

When You Marry A Mountain Girl, You Marry The Mountain

Part 1 of 2

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” -Proverbs 12:4 The title of today’s post is an old Appalachian saying — I can’t remember when or where I first heard it. In its most common use, it means that a woman’s attachment to her […]

Don’t Baby-Snake It!

The unexpected benefits of holding back

“The one who knows much says little; an understanding person remains calm. Even dunces who keep quiet are thought to be wise; as long as they keep their mouths shut, they’re smart.” -Proverbs 17:27-28 (MSG) There’s a widely held belief that young venomous snakes are more dangerous than their more mature relatives. The explanation is that when younger […]

Does Time Travel Exist?

Why do you keep asking me that question?

“If I could turn back the hands of time…” –Tyrone Davis When I was a graduate student, we had several beloved instructors. These were men who had distinguished themselves in industry as well as in the applied sciences, and who devoted the last part of their careers to cultivating excellence in the generation behind them. […]

Yes, Dear — Part II

Some hows and whys of marital headship

“…but if you try sometimes… you get what you need.” -Mick Jagger In part I, we discussed why encouraging men to just say “Yes, Dear,” to keep peace is horrible advice. In this second installment, I’d like to offer some thoughts on how and why a man is called by God to lead his wife. […]

Yes, Dear

Happy wife, happy life -- but is saying yes all the time the key?

“You can’t always get what you want…” -Mick Jagger I attend a lot of wedding receptions. I’m playing at most of them, but I am also at an age where my sons’ friends — and my friends’ sons — are getting married. It doesn’t happen at every event, but you’d be surprised at how many […]