Want to Get Lean? Eat Fat and Protein

I'm not a doctor, and no, I don't want to play doctor with you...

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz Recently, I wrote about how I broke through from fat to fit. In that post, I promised to share what I’ve learned over time about eating for optimum fitness. Some of this might be new to you […]

Re-Post: Mastering the Pull-up

Combine these with push-ups and you'll hardly need a gym

If you want to improve your appearance and boost your confidence, there is no substitute for building muscle.  The good news is a man can build muscle at any age, and you don’t need a gym membership or even a set of weights to do it.  If you’re healthy enough to exercise — and if you […]

How I Broke Through From Fat to Fit

It's surprisingly simple, but not easy

“The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.”- Tim Ferriss During my school years, it was easy to stay in shape. For one thing, my young metabolism thrummed like electronic dance music, making it extremely difficult for me to put on weight — good or bad. During my sophomore year […]

Re-Post: Follow Your Passion — or Develop Your Passion?

Learning to Love What Must Be Done

The following story appeared as a guest post by Mark Kinsley on Q’s Views — the blog of Mark Quinn.  I have obtained the permission of Los Dos Marcos to reproduce it in part here.  Click here to read the original post. I want to feature this story here because young men are complaining that […]

The Most Powerful Lie Is The One You Tell Yourself

Learn to Think and See Clearly

“People lose their way when they lose their why” – Gail Hyatt A man on a mission has to be on his guard, as there are obstacles and enemies that would thwart his purpose. Bandits will try to rob him, women will try to seduce him, fatigue will try to overpower him and even his […]

Re-Post: Meet the Hall of Fame Running Back Who Didn’t Like Football


Note: In honor of the start of football season, here’s a post from the early days of this blog. For a lot of men, fall means football.  Perhaps it’s the memory of their own playing days in Pop Warner leagues, sandlot games or the varsity squad.  Maybe it’s memories of going to games with Dad.  Or […]

Why Every Man Should Strive for Work He Loves

The Dignity and Sacredness of Work

“From the primal elements you brought forth the human race, and blessed us with memory, reason, and skill. You made us the rulers of creation…” – The Book of Common Prayer (Rite II, Eucharistic Prayer C) Here in the US we’ve just commemorated Labor Day which, despite its origins as a celebration of trade unionism, […]

Why Authority Is the Least Important Aspect of Leadership

"Because I said so," is a doomed strategy

“In a multitude of people is the glory of a king,     but without people a prince is ruined.” – Proverbs 14:28 Several months ago, I wrote a post on leadership titled “Lead From The Front” in which I outlined several aspects of good leadership. I hope that you’ve been putting these into practice and that […]

The Best Advice Ever Was a Stern Rebuke

Do the work - it will pay off eventually

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;     profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” – Proverbs 27:6 (ESV) The story I’m about to tell you is true. While I am not particularly proud of certain aspects of this story, I think it has a happy enough ending, as well as a useful moral, so I’m […]